
Chiropractic adjustment

A chiropractic adjustment is the use a high velocity, low amplitude force to a joint in the body to put motion into a joint that is not functioning properly. Dr. Darnell performs the majority of her adjusting manually.

Myofascial Release (Trigger Point Therapy)

Myofascial release is a deep tissue manual therapy technique that is used to release muscle tightness. Deep, sustained pressure is applied to stretch the targeted muscle and fascia to release the adhesions and trigger point. This relaxes the muscle and restores function to the muscle and associated joint, leading to reduced pain and decreased tightness.

Trigger point therapy is similar to myofascial release in that we used a deep, sustained pressure. We focus this pressure on a trigger point (commonly referred to as a knot) in order to release the trigger point and relengthen the muscle.

Who can benefit from myofascial release? Those with tight muscle who feel like they have a decreased range of motion or that their range of motion causes pain.

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilication

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization is the use of a metal instrument that is used in different ways to promote the body's healing response. This encourages resorption and remodeling of scar tissue and can break up adhesions built up in fascia and muscle.

Conditions that IASTM can help with include but are not limited to carpal tunnel, plantar fascitis, tendinitis, sprains/strains, shin splints, and tight muscles.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is similar to acupuncture in that we use the same thin filament needles. With dry needling, we find the trigger points in tight and taut muscles and stick the needle directly to the trigger point. This causes a twitch reaction in the muscle which is a muscle contraction and then the muscle will relax. This is a quick way to decrease tightness and release trigger points.

Who can dry needling benefit? Anyone with those trigger points (commonly referred to as knots) and tightness. Dr. Darnell has treated knee pain, Achilles’ tendon sprains, scapular pain, low back/glute pain, and headaches with dry needling. It can also be used for TMJ, carpal tunnel/forearm tightness, and foot pain among many other conditions!


Cupping is a therapy technique that uses cups to create a suction. This suction causes the skin to rise and redden as your blood vessels expand. The body treats the cupping area like an injury - it sends more blood to the area to stimulate the natural healing process. This helps decrease pain, improve blood flow to an area, and decrease muscle tightness.

Electrical Stimulation (E-Stim)

E-stim is a modality that applies an electrical current to an area of the body to elicit a muscle contraction. By causing repeated muscle contractions, blood flow improves, helping repair injured muscles. It has been shown to be effective to decrease pain, increase range of motion, decrease muscle spasms, reduce edema, decrease inflammation, and improve overall function.
